A Division of  

PHQ250JHM - Jackleg Drill, Muffled

PHQ250JHS - Jackleg Drill, Standard

A755A51 - Airleg 51" Stroke

All internal parts in the PHQ250 Jacklegs are used in Stopers, Sinkers and Quarry drills. Drill delivers high penetration, and strong torque. Convenient operating controls, with push button leg retraction and adjustable motorcycle control feed on the backhead of the drill. Positive lubrication with strong front end blow. Larger mating faces between major cylinder components for longer life and less wear. Improved pusher leg is available with a stainless steel piston rod to prevent corrosion and pitting. Locking steel retainer for collared steel standard. Uses rock drill oil or grease.

  • Balanced to provide drillers ease of operation
  • All controls located at the backhead of the drill
  • Push button control for quick leg retraction
  • Front end porting for full lubrication of chuck parts
  • Sustained high penetration to the bottom of the hole
  • Torque sufficient to install mechanical rock bolts
  • Water pressure can be regulated automatically
  • Sure-lock steel puller mounted on front end
  • New and improved pusher leg-corrosion proof
  • Parts interchangeable with Secan 250 & Canun 260

  • Larger mating faces cylinder & front end (longer life)
  • Stainless steel pusher rod available* in leg (no corrosion)
  • Improved bucket arrangement in leg (longer life)
  • 3" Stainless Legs available* (more push - less bounce)
  • Standard or Muffled drills (noise reduction)
  • available* at nominal additional cost
  • Air Connection: 3/4 inch BSP Water Connection: 1/2 inch BSP Force: 78lb-ft at 90psi - 35.8kf at 620kPa
  • Air Hose Size: 1 inch - 25mm Water Hose Size: 3/4" - 12mm Torque: 210-250lbf-ft 90psi – 29-35kgf-m at 620kPa
Jackleg PHQ250JHSL
FeedLeg 51″x 2.7″ 1295mm x 68mm
Rotation 1 in 30 Upstroke
Blows/Min 2300@90psi 2300@620kPa
Cylinder Bore 3.125″ 79.4mm
Cylinder Stroke 2.625″ 67.7mm
Chuck Size 7/8″ hex 4 1/4
FeedLeg Weight 30 lb 13.6 kg
Weight w/ Leg 101 lb 46.7kg
Leg Force 536 ft/lb @90 psi
Air Consumption 180 cfm @ 90 psi 5.1cu m/m@620kPa

Parts HeadQuarters Inc make and carry stocks of complete PHQ250 Jackleg, Stoper, LongTom, Quarry and Sinker drills backed up by a large inventory of wearing parts. The parts for the PHQ250 drill are interchangeable in existing fleets of Secan S250 and Canun S260 drills PHQ improved our PHQ250 drills introducing larger mating faces on the major components, backheads, cylinders and front ends for longer service life. These same parts are designed to remain interchangeable with existing equipment. All major components are machined from high quality steel precision castings heat treated and ground. All wearing parts are precision machined from high quality tool steel material. leg

PHQ explored every avenue in a major cost saving exercise and has successfully reduced our costs of producing rock drills and the component parts. The savings we have gained are passed along to our customers in reduced pricing. Check our parts prices against our competitors. PHQ is prepared to supply complete drill assemblies, components and wearing parts for 250 drills for major tunneling projects, mining companies and mining contractors. All drills are thoroughly tested before leaving our shop. Request a no obligation quotation from PHQ for the supply of your next drills and/or for your existing drill part requirements to service your fleet of drills. s250